PT Reviews ‘Sunning Your Holes’ Trend

Have you ever tried sunning your holes? Yes, you read that correctly. “Hole sunning”, or “perineum sunning” as it’s also known, is a bizarre practice that has recently regained popularity online.
Participants have shared footage of themselves at one with nature with legs akimbo, supposedly to “increase vibrations”.
Social media is full of wild and out-there trends, but this is one that could possibly take the all-time top spot.

What is it?
It’s pretty much what it says on the tin. But for those who need a technical explanation, hole sunning involves participants holding their legs up in the air while sunbathing to expose their perineum, the area of skin between the anus and genitals, to direct sunlight.
Hole-sunners claim the practice has several mental and physical benefits, among them “improved focus, augmented hormonal regulation, increased libido, regulation of circadian rhythm and enhanced health and longevity”. Of course, none of these claims are based on any evidence.
Where on earth did it come from?
The internet, obviously. It’s possible the trend first began as a joke, but that hasn’t stopped many wellness influencers from taking it seriously.
But why?
Who knows.
There’s a long list of supposed benefits to the practice, with each video making ever more miraculous claims. But the belief among hole-sunners is that as well as “increased vibrations” (whatever they are), it also improves focus, sleep, sexual energy, creativity and overall wellbeing. A real panacea.
Of course, sunlight has its benefits. From sunlight we get vitamin D, which helps regulate the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body. These nutrients are needed to help keep bones, teeth and muscles healthy.
But we need to be careful not to overdo it and get sun damage. And we should definitely not expose areas like our perineums to direct sunlight. There’s a good reason why it's known as the place “where the sun doesn’t shine”.
Professional opinion
While we could all do with some extra vitamin D. We need to protect areas of thicker skin from sun damage, so it’s even riskier to expose these areas that never see the sun.
I agree we all need to practice self-care, take care of our mental health and get enough vitamin D, but there are many better ways than sunning your hole.
Other ways to support your mental wellbeing
If you really want to improve your mental health and wellbeing, my suggestion is you keep your bum out of the sun and try some of the methods below:
- Meditation
- Getting out for daily walks and fresh air
- Unplugging from social media
- Talking and sharing time with friends and family
- Practicing gratitude
- Learning a new skill
Basically, all forms of exercise are better for improving your mental health and wellbeing. And if you’re worried about lacking in vitamin D, consider taking a supplement for a top up.
Take home message
It’s a no from me. As much as I like to keep an open mind and try new things, I’m keeping my door closed to this one.

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