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Animal-Free Whey Protein vs. Whey Protein | How Whey Forward Stacks Up

Animal-Free Whey Protein vs. Whey Protein | How Whey Forward Stacks Up
Ian Roden
Writer and expert2 years ago
View Ian Roden's profile

As you may have heard, we're launching something that's sure to shake up the protein world this month.

Coming July 25th, we're releasing Whey Forward, a dairy-identical whey protein that's Animal-Free and Power-Full.

There's a lot of questions to address with something this new – as with any true innovation. But one of the most natural questions that comes to mind is how does animal-free whey protein compare to traditional whey protein?

Here, we outline 3 key differences in comparing animal-free Whey Forward to traditional whey concentrate. For all that you need to know about Whey Forward, check out the article below.

Otherwise, stay right here.

Animal-Free Whey Protein vs Traditional Whey Protein

If you haven't heard, we've partnered with Perfect Day to produce a dairy-identical whey protein that's Fermented, Not Farmed.

Yep – no cows. Instead, Perfect Day uses micro-flora.

Through this fermentation process, you get a protein that's better for the environment without compromising on taste or performance.

To get the full scoop, we talked to our Head of Product Technology, Gareth Gray, who gave us a breakdown on the nutritional differences.

Stronger Amino Acid & Protein Profile

Protein powders are a blend of proteins, amino acids, carbs and more. As Gareth points out, Whey Forward's protein composition is superior to whey concentrate powders.

"A typical unflavored Whey Protein Concentrate would have a protein value of around 80%. Our non-animal whey protein comes in at 92%!" he says.

Animal-based proteins such as whey have a higher biological value than plant-based proteins (the most common alternative), which means that they often don’t contain enough amino acids from all the proteins your body needs.

Traditionally, this leaves plant protein consumers digesting protein powders with a low or incomplete amino acid profile.

"As Whey Forward is bioidentical to whey protein isolate, we turn this narrative on its head, by providing a complete protein containing all nine essential amino acids, which is both high in leucine and 92% protein — the protein-building blocks that the body can’t produce itself." says Gareth.

In this way, Whey Forward is the perfect protein powder for those with performance in mind as well as those who want their protein powder sourced more sustainably.

More Eco-friendly

Compared to typical whey protein, Whey Forward is better for the planet as it cuts the greenhouse gases emitted by livestock and water used during the production of conventional whey.

No Cows. Fewer emissions. It's that simple.

Furthermore, Perfect Day's technology also means there's up to 99% less water used than traditional whey protein production.

Using microflora instead of cows, you get the best nutritional value without a heavy environmental impact.

Zero Sugar or Lactose

While whey protein concentrate often contains sugar and lactose, Whey Forward is completely sugar and lactose free.

It's also free from soy and any hormones that might be in other protein powders on the market.

Take Home Message

Ultimately, Whey Forward is the most progressive protein powder yet. Using Perfect Day technology, we've made a protein powder that's better for the planet and a high performance routine.

Look out for Whey Forward coming at the end of the month in 3 delicious flavors  Rich Salted Caramel, Decadent Chocolate Brownie, and Creamy Mint Chocolate Chip.

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Ian Roden
Writer and expert
View Ian Roden's profile

A Fordham University graduate, Ian majored in communications and media studies with a focus in journalism and a minor in anthropology during his time at college. Here, he wrote for the university newspaper ranked top ten in the nation.

A competitive athlete for most of his life, Ian has spent almost a decade working as an ocean rescue lifeguard in New Jersey. Within that role, he has competed in endurance sports competitions against other lifeguards for the last 8 years.

As a lifelong surfer, Ian spends most of his spare time in the ocean regardless of the time of year. He also enjoys distance running, photography, and frequently spending entirely too much money on concert tickets.
