Leg day is rarely at the top of anyone's favorite workout list. But occasionally, the post-workout quad pump makes it worth it. This workout from Marino Katsouris is so good you’ll be posing in the gym mirror … and then struggling to walk down the stairs.
Marino fuels his leg day with a plate of avocado and fried egg on toast as well as his own special pre-workout concoction made up of THE Pre-Workout, Creatine Monohydrate, and L-Glutamine, and finished off with a Pump enhancer tablet.
Try it for yourself...
The workout:
Leg curls
Lie on your front on the leg curl machine
The movable padded part of the machine should rest just above your heels
Push your heels toward your backside
Then slowly return to the starting position
Hack squats
Set yourself up on the hack squat machine with your feet shoulder-width apart and the shoulder pads resting on your shoulders
Your back should rest firmly against the back of the machine
Bend your legs at the knees until your backside is as low as it can go
Then drive through your heels and push the shoulder pads up until your legs are straight
Barbell lunges
Begin with the barbell resting comfortably on your back with your feet shoulder-width apart
Bring one leg forward until your foot is flat on the floor, you should then be resting on the ball of the other foot
As you bend your front leg to complete the lunge, the back leg should drop until your knee touches the floor
Straighten your legs and pull your front leg back into the starting position
Leg extensions
Take a seat on the leg extension machine
Your knees should sit at the end of the seat, and they should be a knuckle’s width apart from each other
The resistance pad should rest just above your feet
While gripping on to the handles for support, drive the resistance pad away from you until your legs are straight
Slowly release the movement until your legs are bent at the knee in the starting position
Wide-stance dumbbell squats
Begin with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart
Your toes should be pointed outwards
Grab a dumbbell with both hands and hold it in the center of your body
Bend your legs at the knee keeping your feet firmly planted on the floor
Continue to bend your knees until your backside is as close to the floor as possible
Drive the weight through your heels as you return to the starting position
Set up a bar with the appropriate weight on the floor in front of you
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart
Hinge your hips backwards while keeping your back straight
Then grab the bar with both hands, slightly wider than your feet
Slightly bend your knees as your hands take the weight of the bar
Drive through your glutes and hamstrings to bring the bar up until your legs are straight
Keep your back straight throughout the movement
Tip: To add extra resistance, thread each end of a long resistance band around the bar. Then stand on the middle of the resistance band as you perform the movement.
Calf raises
Stand on the edge of a platform with the balls of your feet planted firmly
Lift your heels so all your weight is driving through the balls of your feet
When you can’t lift your heel anymore, slowly release the movement until your foot returns to being flat
Take home message
This workout has it all: glutes, quads, hamstring, and calves. Walking may be a little bit difficult the day after, but it’s worth it. Who knows? Leg day may soon become your favorite day of the week.
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