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Tropical Protein Bars Recipe

Tropical Protein Bars


If you’re missing the summer time weather why not relive some of that summer magic with these tropical protein bars! These bar use out new pineapple flavoured protein- and taste just like fruit salad chewits! Super sweet and super fruity!




Here’s what you’ll need:







Step One


In a bowl combine 3 scoops of pineapple protein powder and 2 scoops of instant oats.

Add in chopped brazil nuts, and your 50g mixture of dried fruit and desiccated coconut.


Step Two


To the mix stir in 60g of Greek yogurt and 25ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Finally add 25ml of melted coconut oil.


Step Three


Line a square tray with grease proof paper. Stir the mix well and empty into the baking tray.

Using your hands or the back of a spoon, apply pressure and press down the mixture.

Place in the freezer for 15minutes. Remove, slice and...



Tropical Protein Bars

Tropical Protein Bars


This mix makes about 12 Squares.





Impact Whey Protein
Whey Protein
Instant Oats
Instant Oats
Coconpure (Coconut Oil)
Coconpure Oil
Myprotein World’s leading online sports nutrition brand
Founded around a kitchen table in 2004, Myprotein’s vision has always been to revolutionise how we power movement. In 2011 Myprotein became part of the THG family, and by 2016 we proudly claimed the title of the world’s leading online sports nutrition brand. Over the last 20 years, we’ve created game-changing supplements like Clear Whey and Dry Scoop Pre-Workout and launched new brands tailored to your needs including MP, Myvitamins, Myvegan and MyPRO. We exist to break boundaries. To help you cut through the noise in the fitness industry and get down to the information you can trust. Our blog features articles from trusted PT’s, nutritionists and dieticians with tons of experience in the industry. We listen to what topics you’re interested in, and dip into our pool of experts to give you information you can trust.

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