There’s nothing more annoying than smashing your training plan for weeks on end and just when you start to see progress, you come down with a cold. That tickle in your throat leading to a full on sniffling mess.
If you're feeling that bad, in the era of Covid, definitely do not go to the gym until you've had a negative test back! But if you've received that negative test and you've just got a cold, here's our advice for working out when you're feeling worse for wear.
Above or below the neck?
When it comes to knowing whether you can sweat it out, you should always first listen to your body. If you’re absolutely exhausted, then missing a session or two won’t make too much of a difference in the long run.
The second rule is: “Are your symptoms below or above your neck?”
Feeling congested and have a sore throat? You’re probably perfectly fine to do some light or moderate exercise. If you’ve got a HIIT session or a heavy weights session planned, you should probably opt for something a little easier. Going in too hard can put off your recovery and just make you feel worse. Instead, fight your symptoms with vitamin supplements and decongestants, then you should be feeling good enough for a light workout.
If your symptoms are below the neck, this is a whole different story. Any coughing, breathing problems, nausea, or aches and pains mean you should definitely be skipping that workout and staying in bed.

Stop the spread
If you are ill, but still plan on working out, try and stop it spreading by sticking to the good old home workouts that we got used to last year.
We've got tons for you to check out, try this one...
Take Home Message
Remember that no workout is worth making yourself feel even worse — take a break from your routine if you really need it. You’ll also be saving your gym buddies from catching it too. If you’re feeling like it’s just a head cold, then there’s nothing stopping you dosing up and doing a home workout. The most important thing is to listen to what your body needs. And remember, always take a Covid test whenever you have symptoms.

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