It’s probably fair to say that HYROX took Manchester by storm a couple of weekends ago. I know we’re still trying to get over it. You might have spotted us posted by the finish line making sure everyone was stocked up on protein.
For those of you that aren’t so familiar with the fitness race taking the world by storm, let us introduce you. HYROX combines both running and functional workout stations to push your body to its limits and leave you feeling exhausted, but incredible. Each race is hosted in a big indoor space where spectators can watch and cheer on the competitors. The atmosphere is immense.
The race looks a little something like this:
1km run
1000m SkiErg
1km run
50m sled push
1km run
50m sled pull
1km run
80m burpee broad jumps
1km run
1000m row
1km run
200m farmer's carry
1km run
100m sandbag lunges
1km run
75 or 100 wall balls
Find out more about HYROX here:

Everything You Need To Know About HYROX
Your complete guide to HYROX events.
While there, we thought why not catch up with a couple of competitors to see how the race went. Some of you were pretty vocal on what elements you liked, and more controversially, on what elements you didn’t like.
Focusing on the good as you crossed the finish line, we wanted to know what element of the race was the overall favorite. The farmer's carry came in first place, which is hardly surprising. Rowing also cropped up, cited as a nice change of pace and a chance to catch your breath.
One of you went very rogue with saying the burpee broad jump, which was a surprise. But they caveated it with “the hit when you get over that final line, that’s the happiest you are in the whole run.” Now it’s that sort of positivity we can get on board with.

We did try to phrase the next question in the most positive way, but it didn’t really work. We asked: “If you could swap out one station for another, what would it be?” This basically turned into a chance to hate on your least favorite events. And the consensus was split pretty 50/50.
Half of you hated burpees — fair enough in our view. And the rest of you hated the sled push and pull, both as bad as each other.
Take home message
And there we have it. The final verdict — farmer's carry is rated very highly. And if you could, you’d scrap the sled push and pulls immediately. But where’s the fun in that?
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