Matt Morsia Fires Back At Trolls With Lie Detector & WADA Testing

Scroll through Matt Morsia’s Instagram comments and you’ll likely find a few people questioning whether he’s a natural bodybuilder or if he’s ever used enhancements... except not in such nice words.
Well, Matt’s had enough of the rumors. He’s taken matters into his own hands, undergoing comprehensive testing for performance-enhancing substances. He believes the thoroughness and quality of the testing — one urine and blood sent to one lab, a separate blood sample sent to another, and a polygraph — will put the matter to bed for good. He told us:
This video is just the first in a series that’ll show Matt getting tested every couple of weeks. In this episode we see Matt grilled by the polygrapher examiner — trust us, it’s intense — and provide blood and urine samples in what can be fairly described as intimate circumstances.
We were eager to find out more about what motivated Matt to do the series, so we caught up with him to get the details. He provided some really thoughtful and passionate answers, which we’ve included throughout this article.
“They’re saying I'm a liar”
Matt’s been accused of using performance and image enhancers for years. Up until recently, he found it easy enough to brush aside.
But recently he has taken more issue with it. Not just because the accusations question his character and lessen his accomplishments, but also because of the effect it can have on younger gym-goers.
Ultimately for Matt, these accusations create unhealthy perceptions of gym training.
“There is no hiding place”
Matt has pulled in the big guns to prove he’s all natural. Dr Andrew Chappell, president of World Natural Bodybuilding Federation UK (WNBF UK) was present to oversee the testing, which involved the filling of several blood vials heavily supervised urine sampling, and a rather intense lie detector test.
The blood and urine samples have been sent to a World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) lab, the same organization that tests Olympic athletes. The urine sample will be tested for everything on the banned substance list, and the blood samples will be tested for growth hormone-related factors and other steroid metabolites.
But that wasn’t enough for Matt; he and his team found another lab, in Spain, that offers even more stringent testing, that would reveal any attempts at masking or any drug use in recent weeks — testing that isn’t available in the UK.
“Have you ever taken a banned substance?”
The blood and urine tests will be able to detect any banned substances in Matt’s system, even on a more long-term scale. But what about in his lifetime? Enter Jason Hubble, owner of Lie Detectors UK and someone you wouldn’t want to tell fibs to in a dark alley.
Jason ran the same test that a police officer would run on someone suspected of committing a crime. He hooked Matt up to a movement sensor, a blood pressure cuff, stickers to measure sweat gland activity, a plethysmograph to measure the blood in the hands and feet, and chest sensors.
Matt then answered a series of questions, the key one being “have you ever knowingly taken a banned substance?”, to which Matt replies “no”.
Matt passed the lie detector with flying colors. Jason says there was “no deception indicated”.
“It's not possible for a human to get more thoroughly drug tested than I’m doing here”
We asked Matt about his reasons for wanting to do the testing. He seems excited by the potential of the series and confident that it will have a positive impact.
He’ll be maintaining his strength too, if not hitting a few new PBs.
“I think it will raise the bar”
Matt doesn’t just want to prove he’s “100% natty”. He also wants to give others — especially young gym-goers — confidence that they can achieve their fitness goals without the help of performance enhancing substances.
Take home message
It’s been a long time coming, but Matt has finally kicked off this testing series. It’ll hopefully put a lot of rumours to rest... . Matt seems passionate about it too — not just for the sake of his own reputation but for the perceptions of natural bodybuilding also. We’ll be keeping up with every episode and can’t wait to see what PB Matt will hit next. Stay tuned for those results.

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