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Max Whitlock | How Does The Gold Medalist Plate Up His Diet?

Charlotte Campbell
Writer and expert8 years ago
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An Olympian's Food Diary

Five-time Olympic medallist, winning two golds and three bronzes, it's safe to say, Max Whitlock


is an inspiration to not only gymnasts but athletes in general



Let's go back to Rio 2016, where Max Whitlock became Britain's first gold medallist in artistic gymnastics


Max won both the pommel horse exercises and the men's floor - But how did he become the most successful gymnast in Britain's history


Luckily, we had the opportunity to sit down with Max to find out what the Olympian eats during a typical training day



On a typical training day, what do you tuck into?


I'm quite relaxed with what I eat, I just make sure I eat the right foods. Protein after training is a must, recovery is essential, I can't afford to be injured.


For breakfast, I’ll have cereal or toast with eggs and salmon then maybe a banana an hour before training. I don't tend to snack mid-training as I need the time to digest, so I’ll have an energy drink, then afterwards I’ll make sure I have a protein shake and carbs. For dinner, I will eat pretty much anything, from spaghetti bolognese, steak, salmon and veg - I have a normal diet.

What's your go-to cheat meal?


Hmm, I have a fair few! I love meat and I am a big pizza fan, I'd probably go for a meat feast pizza, they're the best.

max gel

How many shakes do you have per day and what's your favourite flavour?


I have one immediately after training (within the hour) and sometimes I have a high pro bar- so tasty! I tend to use impact whey isolate due to the fast absorption rates. I can't get enough of the chocolate flavour, it's so good!

What can the average gym-goer learn from your diet and training plans?


Don't be strict. It's a lifestyle, not a chore. You should eat whatever you like, in moderation, that way you will keep eating healthier for a longer period of time as opposed to fluctuating. If you're exercising pretty much every day, you can get away with eating junk food every now and again - just make sure you work hard the next day!



Our articles should be used for informational and educational purposes only and are not intended to be taken as medical advice. If you're concerned, consult a health professional before taking dietary supplements or introducing any major changes to your diet.

Charlotte Campbell
Writer and expert
View Charlotte Campbell's profile