Israel Adesanya Reveals Love For Evanescence

UFC Middleweight Champion Israel Adesanya sat down with us for an interview where he decided the questions – light or heavy. Think pineapple on pizza or biggest fears.
We really got to know Israel in this one as he divulged his ultimate protein smoothie recipe and the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to him in the gym...
What would you like to be remembered about you?
Forget Middleweight UFC Champion. Israel has humbler expectations.
What’s the best flavor protein?
We didn’t know that this G.O.A.T. was also a culinary genius.
Do you have any career regrets?
No explanation needed.
What’s the most embarrassing song on your workout playlist?
So this is what it takes to get a champion hyped up...
Take home message
We all know Israel that little bit better now. And we’ll most definitely be trying that protein smoothie for ourselves. To check out the rest of Israel’s interview, head to the Myprotein YouTube channel.

From Dancer To Fighter | How Israel Adesanya Became The Fastest Rising Star in MMA
His road to becoming one of the best fighters is unlike any other.